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AMOK acts of kindness challenge


I've taken on the Annual Melee of Kindness challenge, otherwise known as AMOK, run by Random Acts. Here's an update so far. I hope you'll be inspired to join me!

Day 1: I left a sign to foster smiles in my apartment building's elevator.

It had me smiling the whole time I was doing it!

Day 2:

I saw Meals for May Wah campaign on a friend's Facebook page and was inspired to donate. The project is providing meals for vulnerable seniors in Chinatown while at the same time supporting local businesses that have been hard hit by Covid-19. This feels like a particularly important endeavour given the spread of anti-Asian racism we have been seeing.

I encourage you to contribute if you can!

Day 3:

Today I spent some time appreciating the ever present kindness of nature. May 25th is also Africa Day, and although I can't be under her sky, the land is always with me. Wherever I may stand, it's the soil, trees, sun and sky that fill my soul. I give thanks for the land under my feet.

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